Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fabric collection almost done!

I am very excited to have the patterns almost complete! I have used a color pallette that reminds me of my gramma Helen... I miss her so much! These warm colors remind me of all the great things gramma's are: warm, loving, sweet, and caring. I can almost taste her chocolate chip cookies I have made the patterns a little more modern than she might have had in her closet... but it is such a fun expression of pattern I think she would like today!

After I finish one more design, I am going to do a line based on my gramma Betty's fabulous scandinavian design. I am so excited about this... I am not sure if I'll be able to keep the line to just 12 designs!!

Once I get these completed, I will be able to start adding these great designs into the Sketchbook. Which design will be able to grace the cover? You will have to follow my creative journey!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Gramma's Closet

I have decided to write about my Sketchbook project. I am hoping that the task of keeping up with my progress will give me energy and creativity abound... this project is so different and challenging than anything I have done before. There is no boundry to the scope of this project. And, what's more, it is something I am challenging myself to do. I am my own critic.

I am so used to things being black & white, right or wrong, recognized as clinical recommendations approved by scientific study. For me, the creative process feels like I am solving a problem that isn't even a problem. It is a new way of thinking for me... and it is so invigorating.

Filling up the sketchbook, for me, is a way to tell a story. It is my first real attempt to bring emotion and thinking to a piece of art. I must take Jackets, Blankets, and Sheets and let it mean something. Grandma's Closet represents many things for me. It will be a great way to play with texture and pattern. But most importantly, it will be a story of comfort, history, love, design, and family.

This picture is the beginning of the cover (not finished yet...) I have made a stamp using lino and block stamped using white to represent painted paneling. Fresh modern take on a vintage idea. I have glued pages together inside to make them thicker and give them more of a wrinkled, worn look. I can't wait to pull some of my fabric and paper designs for the "interior" of the closet.

I have many ideas... but the challenge is going for it. I don't want to make any mistakes. I just need to try things out and roll with the process!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hmm. Along my path to style and design, I am faced with the question... totes or fabric?

I have decided to try my hand at a "craft market."

I am really excited to see how people react to my totes, especially my market totes. However, this time crunch of making more totes takes away time for my fabric designing time!

Balance. A little of this and a little of that. If I had my way, I would design and sketch fabric at night and craft totes from my own fabric during the day. Instead, it will have to be compromise.

Someday my passion will be discovered. Meanwhile, enjoy

Friday, March 19, 2010

Art Nouveau

I learned about a beautiful art style called Art Nouveau! I entered Spoonflower's weekly fabric contest, using a limited color palette... and I think it turned out really cool! I decided to do an home-decor fabric. Think of this fabric on a cushion for a beautiful, dark wood bench ...
You can vote until Wednesday March 24th...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring is Creation

Spring is a time to crawl out of our holes, reconnect with nature, and it always makes me want to bring something new into my life. A different perspective, a fresh look. I have been opening myself to my "other" self... my creative, free-spirit self, who has been suppressed by detail, organization, and time-constraints. Trying to think about how art and design can bring me to the next chapter in my life has been fun, but challenging. I have been searching for an organized plan to become more creative. (Isn't that silly?) I have been trying too hard.

The seasons are a great example of how we should live our lives. There is an ebb and flow to life. Something draws our attention, we follow it. Distraction brings us away from our passion or interest, in the name of "responsibility" or "duty." But the next season will come, draw our attention again, and remind us of our true priorities and passions. For me, letting myself just float along, following the pretty spring flowers and fresh breezes, feels so freeing... but it hard to let go of my planned, organized existence.

So I will take a lesson from spring. It is time for renewal, now. It is time to concentrate on growing, feeling the sun, and warming to the rhythm of the seasons. Create.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pop Art Minis

I am so excited to find a use for my sample spoonflower fabrics! Pop art Minis! I use the sample for the front panel and let denim make up the frame for the art. For only $10 you can get an original mini only available from HeatherRothStyle!
Now I can concentrate on designing fabric in the same format as a notecard or a piece of art. A fun project.

Monday, March 1, 2010


VOTE FOR my design to be included in the SEMI-FINALISTS
in the spoonflower fabric contest!


Brown Floral Market Tote

Doesn't everyone need to stock up on some market totes before the spring rush? Pick up a couple to prepare for the farmers' market and early trips to the greenhouse!

the start of something new.

Having a place to post by designs and ideas seems like an awesome thing! I hope to have lots of time to design and keep my creative juices flowing! Somedays it seems overwhelming, and I don't know where to start. Isn't that awesome? Today I plan to post some new bags I made over the weekend on my etsy site:
