Monday, August 29, 2011

Tuscany... with some green!

So I thought I'd share that Tuscany palette, with green! What do you think?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Tuscany... then let's tweak it a bit.

Trying to think of some creative color choices for a friend's kitchen, I was inspired by Tuscany. She loves bright orange and deep blue and the beautiful contrast of dark and white. So I began with a photo of Tuscany, but brought out deeper hues and added in the white. I think this could be inspirational place to prepare a meal and share wine with friends! (hint, hint...)

Soothing Butterfly

This image is modern, bold, and awe-inspiring. The shimmer is an important feature in this image which is difficult to describe in color. Using monotones brings the story of this palette to something soothing, relaxing... in many ways does not bring that same impact as the photo does. In order to make this palette bring the same feeling as the photograph, the designer would have to ensure multiple textures and to bring one color into focus. Or use a pattern that is made up of all the colors, but to the eye seems like one bold color. I am liking this... I am usually drawn to the greens and browns of nature. This blue palette is beautiful!

National Geographic

Friday, August 19, 2011

Not What You Would Expect

Not what you'd expect ... these colors are pulled from a modern, Scandinavian room design. Though the room is bright and clean, I chose the colors that existed in the floor, furniture, and art. The color palette alone cannot represent the feeling of space within the room. Color can be everything, though it seems, not in this case.
Scandinavian Design

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Is it too early to think about fall? You decide.

Monday, August 15, 2011

This color palette is inspired by summer... I am trying to hold on to it as long as possible! I used this palette to recolor a couple of damask patterns I made a few months ago and I think I got some good results! If you'd like to see the other patterns, check out:

So, if you've noticed, I have not produced a palette everyday, but I am working at it. Working at it, working at it. Thanks for following.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dark Frustration

I am so close to completing my Lion logo for my Color Theory class... I am aggravated, frustrated, and tired. It's dark and almost midnight. I am fueled to create a dark palette, with a little hint of confused "does it really go?" color at the end. A little light at the end of the tunnel, if you will.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Greek Salad

Inspired by my lunch, I created a color palette of the Greek islands. I started with the actual colors of the tomatoes, chicken, pasta, artichokes, red onions, and black olives. I tweeked the color shades and hues a bit until I found something pleasing. I took out the purple from the red onions because the color just didn't work in this palette. I also tried adding a blue to represent the blue ocean in Greece, but I didn't like the outcome of that either. Taking out the fifth color was the key to making this cohesive color story!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Las Vegas Lions

This is the color palette for my reinvention of the Detroit Lions moving to Las Vegas! Interestingly, the colors are so different pulled from Kuler than they look in Illustrator. And then I looked at these colors in Illustrator on my other computer and they look even more different. Not happy! I hope as I move through this project these colors will be able to work in the logos and uniforms. Yikes. GO LIONS!

Monday, August 8, 2011

HR in Pattern

This is the pattern with the first palette (my HR color palette). Again, I have only used 4 colors... it seems much more cohesive. In order not to go too crazy (I would still have 2 more palettes to create in this pattern) I will stop for tonight and just update my new palettes starting tomorrow. I hope you enjoy the colors and I look forward to creating a new pattern to play around with in the days to come! Night.

Pattern with Mountain Love

I have tried all sorts of ways with this palette, and I have decided the pink just doesn't work! It is too vivid, too saturated and causes too much contrast (and pain) to look at it with the other colors. So I am learning after all!

Pattern with Exterior Dream

I have made a pattern to play with my color palette ideas. I had a difficult time getting all 5 colors in... so here is one with all but the brown color. Likey?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Colors of the Sky

This is a description of the blue sky. Blue, blue, blue... Take each square of color and imagine what the color would look like in your sky. Is it dark, or pale morning? Storm coming? Or the bluest blue you've ever seen.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Exterior Dream Palette

This palette was designed with my house in mind. The brown is close to the existing color of the siding. I would like to use the gray/purple to paint the brick of my home, which faces the front, to ground it (and cover up the ugly brick.) The white has a little cool tone to it and I would use this to beef up the molding. The sage is the color of the accents: cushions on the furniture, pots, lights, etc. And the green, of course, represents the plants.

Wouldn't it be cool if I can get a photo of the house on tomorrow with my color palette? Hope to make that happen with my new photoshop skills!

Smooth it Out

I made this palette yesterday, I promise. Seems I forgot to post it! I was playing with the analgous color theme on Kuler and this buttery, neutral set of colors came into being. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mountain Love

This palette is taken from this lovely photo of my daughter and husband out in the Rocky Mountain National Park. We were taking a break on our hike and isn't this photo lovely?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I have this palette, "HUNGRY," from my recent Color Theory project pulling color from a photograph. I used a photograph of a beautiful cake inspired by the Hungry Caterpiller book that is a favorite of so many children (and Mommies!) I love the deep shades of this colorway and I can see this combination of colors in so many applications. Love.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

COLOR everyday!

As I get started on a new class, Color Theory, I realize that I have not begun my next 30 day project. Hmm. Let me think... what could I do? How about color palettes? :@)

So, though I may feel like it's cheating a bit, I will post a new color palette everyday, possibly using some of my homework assignments to give me inspiration. I hope that I will gain a little perspective on all of the things that can inspire color choices. I will use photographs, words, emotions, magazines... pretty much anything I can find that will give me great ideas on color. I will be bringing my camera with me when I do errands, hang out with the kids... you never know when I might be inspired!

I hope to use Kuler (an adobe program/community ALL ABOUT COLOR) to share with my designer friends and post my discoveries on my blog to share with all my other fabulous followers. If you have suggestions on color inspiration, please don't hesitate to share!

Here we go!!

COOL TROPICS & Peachy Sunrise
-- color palette for my personal brand, including HR graphic/surface design & HeatherRothStyle (my etsy site all-about fabric!)