Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Patterned Ground 2: Purple Floral Polka-Dots

I spent a lot of time trying to create something in Ps tonight for you, for me, to prove I am getting there. Spent 30-40 minutes before I realized I'd been drawing on my background layer which prevents me from moving it separate from my intended background layer... sigh. Lesson learned.

So Ai again. Since the Ps thing didn't work tonight, I decided to play with purple, a color I do not usually use. Trying some pretty combinations of colors and I decided on what you see before you. I'm having good fun and really like to experiment without using a sketch. I think I just like to get to work without spending any time doing the prep. work. I do need to work on this, however, and my goal tomorrow is to sketch and use Ps. I have more time tomorrow and would like to see what I can come up with.

Good night all. Thanks for all of your support! Don't forget to critique. Don't be worried giving advice, saying what you don't like about scale, pattern, palette, anything at all. I can only learn from your perspectives.

1 comment:

  1. This was is excellent. Interesting and more complicated - but pleasing to the eye.
