Monday, May 2, 2011

Pattern Everyday

I have the opportunity to do a fabulous project. I am going to name it Pattern Everyday. I had originally been craving to do a 365 project, but was a little intimidated by the enormity of such a venture. Lucky for me, my current class, Developmental Psychology has a 20% Project in which I have to work on a personal project during the month of May. What a great opportunity!

Pattern Everyday will be as simple (and challenging) as it sounds. I will create one pattern in repeat everyday, and I will choose one basic pattern or design type each week to further practice skill within a more defined aspect. I will use only nature as my inspiration and muse. I will be able to use a variety of medium to accomplish this creative goal. I have conquered Illustrator for the most part, but would like to eventually conquer Photoshop by the end of this project. I have accomplished basic geometric designs and basic shapes. I would like to increase my complexity, color palette, and efficiency. In order to better rate my progress, I will develop a rating system as well as document the time it takes me to go from design idea sketch to final result. I will be monitoring my skill in preparing the pattern more than the artistic style of the result in order to be able to track progress more accurately. I do not aim to make collections to enable me to completely let my creative juices flow without too many restrictions.

I will document my progress by posting my photos on my blog daily. I will spread the word of my blog postings to my fellow classmates and friends to gather critiques. I will ask for critiques to focus on 4 topics: color palette, texture, shape/form, and skill of repeat. I will begin with monotones, then move to stripes (within nature), patterned ground, and finally damask. I will also aim to produce a slide show of my progress for the finale of the project.

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